Crow Knows Snow

Crow Knows Snow

Hi Loves,

Hope you are enjoyed this beautiful weekend dropping in with yourself, each other, the outdoors. Ben and I were so fortunate to do some art on Friday night, date night, with our dear friend Bethany. We made Lino Blocks which I hadn’t done since grade school. I loved the process.

Some of you know that I have this affinity for crows. They represent to me the Shadow. I spent a good majority of my life running from my shadow. It wasn’t until I was completely exhausted and the suffering became too much that I surrendered. I finally sat down to be with it. And oh the gifts my shadow had for me.

I Must Share

I Must Share

Hello Loves,

I just have to share, because I am Shari. My name associated with sharing used to make me cringe back in my younger years when I was denying my superpower of being kind. I held conditioning that being kind didn’t get you anything in this world; and it definitely wasn’t a way towards success. When people would call me "Share Bear", inside I would want to punch them in the face. When I would hear, “It’s so nice that you care”, it felt like the biggest insult because I could sense smugness in the voice that said it. Or “Shari is so sweet.” Blech! Made me want to puke. It made me want to scream at the top of my lungs, “I am not SWEET!”. But, what I was really hearing was, you will never amount to anything. You are not that smart. Wake up, the world does not work by caring about others and their feelings! Ugh! …..I am so grateful that I have woken up to see this is all a lie. The truth is, I amsweet, kind, and caring. That it is my superpower and I do feel that kindness and caring ARE what is going to save humanity and the planet.

Are You Moved?

Are You Moved?

Hi Loves,

Are you moved? I am so moved after watching the inauguration yesterday. Tears from the heart welling up and pouring down the cheeks for the last 24 hours. I am in awe of the grace I witnessed and was grateful I was able to watch it LIVE. It truly feels like LOVE is guiding the way and the ego has taken backseat. Whewf!

My heart was swelling with all the talk of Unity. I was ecstatic to see so many empowered women being given spaces in the programming, including the young Amanda Gorman. Ahhhh……

Are you Feeling 1%?

Are you Feeling 1%?

Hi Loves,

How are you all? Are you ok? Geez; waking up is hard… It’s unfortunate it has to get really ugly sometimes for us to see how far we have gotten from remembering the Truth of who we are. It’s getting harder to turn a blind eye which, in a strange way, has me hopeful. As I am feeling a lot of what is moving through me that there hasn’t been much sleep, and lots of weeping on my mat and cushion. Tessa stated the other day, “Mom, you’re at 1%. It’s taking you more time to respond when I say something, kinda like my phone when it’s at 1%.” Have you been feeling that way too? Today I feel much lighter and inspired after processing and digesting. Whewf!

We Make the Turn

We Make the Turn

Hi Loves,

Here we are, making the turn from 2020 into 2021. When I stop to listen, I hear so many sighs of relief, like, “We made it!” Goodbye 2020! Hello 2021! Am I right?

We all can agree this has been one unforgettable year. It’s been a tremendous year. So much evolving in a short amount of time. I ask you to go back in your photos from the beginning of the year and reflect as you scroll thru the year. You are not the same person as you were a year ago, but yet there is that part that is unchanged, that has witnessed it all. That smiles at it all. Can you sense it right now? It’s from this place that 2021 is being born.

High Cholesterol!!?!

Hi Loves,

The stars have aligned for me to finally have the time and space to sit my butt down and write, as promised. Many tell me or write back to me that they really appreciate when I get vulnerable in my emails so here goes. A couple days ago I got some blood tests done at the affordable lab testing day here in town. I feel really healthy, but the gynecologist suggested it when visiting for a routine check up. I think it’s a standard thing that they suggest and I usually ignore, but for some reason I found myself going. Turns out everything looks good AND I have suboptimal cholesterol/borderline high cholesterol. HIGH CHOLESTEROL!?! (I am aware I am exaggerating, because the mind likes the drama.) I don’t smoke, don’t drink, don’t do drugs. I exercise all the time, get out in nature, practice yoga and meditate quite a bit. I eat more leafy greens and vegetables then anyone I know. How could this be? Maybe my parents have it and it’s just genetic? Conversation to have with them soon I guess. Now as a disclaimer, I am writing this and I still haven’t talked to the doctor and I still haven’t talked to my nutritional therapist, Andrea Schaffer, but I just wanted to share where I am at because it’s my time to write. I am not worried or fearful about this, but really just so curious!!!! I have done some exploration on the internet and there is nothing like the internet to give you conflicting information. What is truth? Well I like to turn to Louise Hay, You Can Heal Your Life, whenever I am experiencing something in the body that I want to explore. She says:

Opportunities for Connection

Opportunities for Connection

Hi Loves,

I don’t think it could be more spectacular today in Tahoe! I haven’t seen clear skies like this in a while. Hallelujah! I hope you all are taking some time today to be outside and enjoy YOU. There is nothing like getting outside to connect us to the truth of who we are. I know it was hard for many of us to see our trails so busy this summer even fall, but isn’t it good for us ALL to be out connecting with Mama Earth? Aren’t we more likely to care for her when we have that divine connection?

Everything is FINE

Hi Loves,

What a blessing to have clear skies. I was starting to wonder how I would do with being inside due to smoke and forest service land being shut down during my absolute favorite season of the year. I wondered how my community that thrives in the outdoors would do. One of my soul sisters came over to meditate one of those really bad days and because my little house is now a school the only quiet space to be was in the van. And my sister told me later we were like two teenagers hiding from our parents. It made me laugh because we did sit and then hang out in the van talking about, the end of the world as we know it. Like the R.E.M. song. “And I feel fine.” I heard years ago that FINE stands for , F***d Up, Insecure, Neurotic and Emotional. That’s what I think about every time I utter the words “Everything is FINE.” Everything is fine when I am all caught up in the mind AND it is also beautiful and wondrous when I come back to my heart in the present moment. With Tessa now an official teenager I find myself getting caught up in the trance of the ego. I feel my nervous system go into freeze mode. The over sexualization of young girls hits every trigger and the sex trafficking that is being brought to the light leaves me wailing often in the middle of the night when the mind gets hold. When I sit I feel like I am re-visiting and healing my inner teenager. It’s not all so pretty or easy at times. Especially when exploring ways your innocence was taken that left me not wanting to trust boys/men. Especially when you see women’s rights threatened.