Are you Feeling 1%?

Hi Loves,

How are you all? Are you ok? Geez; waking up is hard… It’s unfortunate it has to get really ugly sometimes for us to see how far we have gotten from remembering the Truth of who we are. It’s getting harder to turn a blind eye which, in a strange way, has me hopeful. As I am feeling a lot of what is moving through me that there hasn’t been much sleep, and lots of weeping on my mat and cushion. Tessa stated the other day, “Mom, you’re at 1%. It’s taking you more time to respond when I say something, kinda like my phone when it’s at 1%.” Have you been feeling that way too? Today I feel much lighter and inspired after processing and digesting. Whewf!

In yoga we often talk about the Ethical Precepts of The Yamas and the Niyamas, which are the first two limbs of Ashtanga Yoga recorded by Patanjali. The first Yama, which there are five, is Ahimsa which is often translated as “Nonviolence”, or “Non harming". I prefer to teach Ahimsa as, “Self Love”. When we love ourselves, we love the Whole because there is no separation. When we forget the truth of who we are, there is harm done and we abandon ourselves, which can be experienced as violence. One of the ways we leave is by getting caught by the mind, believing our thoughts, thinking we are our thoughts. When we forget who we are, we often turn on ourselves and/or, we turn on each other. We get identified with the separate self/ego. I think if we are all honest, we can all probably say that we have experienced self judgement and criticism, self loathing and hatred. We can probably all say we have had experience of feeling unworthiness and that we don’t belong. I’ve been at this Self Love stuff for a long time now. I can see so quickly now when I am in the forgetting and I can come back quite easily. I know that this has come from a lot of sitting practice. Sitting with mySelf. When I am in the place of remembering and I look out in the world and see all the forgetting it kind of breaks my heart. But what really happens is that I sense/feel my heart breaking open to the love and beauty that is right here, all around me. And, from that place I find myself responding from love, with love…

With that in mind, Ben and I are feeling called to share the Yamas and Niyamas with our brothers. We will be starting another session of Yoga and Meditation for Men, this Thursday night, January 14. We will cover the first yogic limb, the Yamas, for the next six weeks. I like to teach the Yamas as Self-Love, Truth, Generosity, Simple Living and Abundance. The last 4 Yamas all point to the first, Self Love. As you look around and see/feel/sense all the institutions that are dismantling, you probably feel frustrated, or overwhelmed, or angry, or powerless. Maybe you feel all of these, and more. This is why I believe connecting in conscious company is so important. And connecting via Zoom works! I have been shocked over this last year how well. I know it’s not the same as being in physical presence, but there is something really sweet about everyone being in the safety of their own homes. So if you are a man reading this; I invite you to reach out with any questions or, make the leap and Sign Up! If you are a woman reading this and know a man or some men that could really benefit from this exploration, please pass on this email or even better encourage them to sign up because often the guys need a little extra nudge on this stuff. I have dropped off my use of social media and want to believe we can market without it. I will probably post about this series, but we need your help. It's a great group of men that have already signed up.

As a general feel of the whole, most of us are swinging on the pendulum of anxiety and depression. It looks ugly, but when we come back to ourselves we see/feel/experience the light that shines within us. This is waking up! This is the same light that shines thru all of us. This is the power that creates galaxies. And now more than ever we need each other, to reflect our light to each other, to remember that is who we are. This is the meaning of Namaste. It's powerful. You are powerful, way beyond 1%.So today and each day I humbly bow to the light and love within you.


I love you.

P.S. I am still offering The Practice on Zoom Friday mornings and would be so delighted to drop in with you all.

The Practice

Friday Mornings 8:00-10:00 on Zoom
$1-$20 Donation
Venmo @Shari-Beard-1 to Sign Up